samedi 26 avril 2008


Inspiré du blog de Caro-chan. C'est complètement absurde, mais c'est l'fun!

Your Homicidal Rampage!

Your name:Lilianna
Weapon of Choice: Leather whip
Your Favorite Target: Nymphomaniacs
Your Kill Count: 313,022,432
Your Battle Cry: "Touch me, I'm happy!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 16
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $48,890,317,827,481
Your Homocidal Insanity Level: 41%
Your Superhero Persona

Your Name: Lilianna
Superhero Name : The Mexican
Super Power: Invisibility
Enemy: The Cheating Boyfriend
Mode Of Transportation: Shopping Cart
Weapon: Frying Pan
What is a good quote for you?

Name: Lilianna
Color: Black
Say what?? "sigh"
If You Ruled the Land

Your first name: Lilianna
How you gained your rule: No idea . . .
Your title is: Your Great Grand High Majesty
Your symbol is: a Jack Russel terrier, because of Wishbone
You rule from: a clear, crystalline palace, and change in the basement
At your side is: your royal mirror-carrier and makeup crew
Your enforcers, troops, and guards are all: NINJAS!!!
Your most popular law is: Harry Potter named national hero; he's done so much!
Your least popular law is: Banning of people being better-looking than you
Your worst enemy is: rumored to be cuter than you . . . so not true!
Your popularity rating is: 26%
Your chance of being overthrown is: 99%

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